the crux of the matter // guild of professional fine artists of nigeria
the crux of the matter, a new exhibition of paintings and sculptures by the guild of professional fine artists of nigeria, is opening at terra kulture on victoria island today until November 12.
i happened to be there for another event yesterday and got a chance to preview the exhibit with all the artists, reporters, videographers in tow. quite an army of talent. i found myself most drawn to gbenga offo's paintings, moving closer and closer until i was dwarfed by the canvas, disappearing myself into the colors and the shapes and the desire.
there's something in a beautiful painting that overwhelms, makes me want to cry. --AL.
"And what is the Crux of the matter? The answer is simple. While governance in Nigeria had slowed in every other sector such as electricity, road, transportation, education, health and so on, art quietly has remained resilient and, perhaps, improved the contemporary Nigerian art of the past 50 years."
-- GFAN Director Susan Ruth Pomeranz
BEautiful work! How do i find this artist's site? Googled him/her but didnt see nuthin official.